The capacity of 2 x 150 Gb was added to the total network bandwidth as backup, ensuring quality and stability.

Entry-level Servers

Get started with a Dedicated Server within your budget

Server Model Processor Speed Memory Hard Drives Bandwidth


Intel Xeon E5-1660v4 12 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz 16 GB DDR4 2000 GB (2x1000 GB SSD) Unlimited (at 1000Mbps Full-duplex)
€32,99 EUR /mo


Intel Xeon E5-1660v4 12 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz 32GB DDR4 2000 GB (2x1000 GB SSD) Unlimited (at 1000Mbps Full-duplex)
€36,99 EUR /mo


Intel Xeon E5-1660v4 12 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz 48GB DDR4 2000 GB (2x1000 GB SSD) Unlimited (at 1000Mbps Full-duplex)
€39,99 EUR /mo
    USA Servers
    Included with your Dedicated Server
    Not Sure which configuration is best for you?
    No problem. Send us a ticket with your questions and we’ll get back to you with a quote. Free of charge.

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    Frequently Ask Questions
    Absolutely! With our servers, traffic is genuinely unlimited, ensuring unrestricted data transfer for all your needs.
    Yes, at any time you feel the need for a stronger service, you have the option to upgrade your plan, and our technical team will accompany you throughout this process.
    Yes, your server is protected by a hardware firewall and multiple layers of security against attacks. Additionally, upon your request, specific ports and IP addresses can be restricted or blocked.
    Our technical team initiates server setup immediately upon final confirmation of your order. You will typically receive your service within less than an hour.
    In most cases, you will be able to continue working without any problem and we won't enforce it, but in case of serious abuse, you will be sent the details and you will have enough time to fix it. There is also no need for us to limit or suspend your service.